ICUAS'22 Paper Abstract


Paper ThB4.6

Boyinine, Rohith (University of Cincinnati), Sharma, Rajnikant (University of Cincinnati), Brink, Kevin (US Airforce)

Observability Based Path Planning for Multi-Agent Systems to Aid Relative Pose Estimation

Scheduled for presentation during the Regular Session "Path Planning III" (ThB4), Thursday, June 23, 2022, 17:10−17:30, Divona-2

2022 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), June 21-24, 2022, Dubrovnik, Croatia

This information is tentative and subject to change. Compiled on April 24, 2024

Keywords Path Planning, Swarms, Control Architectures


When multiple coordinating vehicles are involved in missions like landing, docking, refueling, etc., knowledge of relative pose between vehicles is crucial. The absence of GPS in such scenarios is detrimental to the mission. Although vision-based techniques can be used to identify and localize one vehicle for the other, they can be computationally intensive and fail in dark or featureless environments. In this paper, a range-based relative navigation framework is proposed for missions like landing and refueling, where localization accuracy is enhanced in the presence of additional vehicles that help by communicating their sensor measurements. Satisfying the observability criteria of the system is crucial for localization accuracy. Therefore, a trajectory optimization technique coupled with Model Predictive Control is proposed to solve for trajectories of the additional vehicles to maximize the system's observability. Using simulations, it is shown that having an individual controller for each additional vehicle is as effective as having a centralized control at a fraction of computation cost. Simulation results also show that it is efficient for each additional vehicle to maximize observability with respect to the "ego-vehicle" when all the vehicles are in sensing range of each other.



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