ANZCC 2019 Paper Abstract


Paper FC1.4

Fu, Jing (The University of Melbourne), Nazarathy, Yoni (The University of Queensland), Moka, Sarat Babu (University of Queensland), Taylor, Peter Gerrard (University of Melbourne)

Towards Q-Learning the Whittle Index for Restless Bandits

Scheduled for presentation during the Regular Session "Learning, Fuzzy and Neural Systems" (FC1), Friday, November 29, 2019, 15:45−17:45, WZ Building Room WZ416

2019 Australian & New Zealand Control Conference (ANZCC), November 27-29, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand

This information is tentative and subject to change. Compiled on April 16, 2024

Keywords Learning Systems, Stochastic Control, System Modelling and Identification


We consider the multi-armed restless bandit problem (RMABP) with an infinite horizon average cost objective. Each arm of the RMABP is associated with a Markov process that operates in two modes: active and passive. At each time slot a controller needs to designate a subset of the arms to be active, of which the associated processes will evolve differently from the passive case. Treated as an optimal control problem, the optimal solution of the RMABP is known to be computationally intractable. In many cases, the Whittle index policy achieves near optimal performance and can be tractably found. Nevertheless, computation of the Whittle indices requires knowledge of the transition matrices of the underlying processes, which are sometimes hidden from decision makers. In this paper, we take first steps towards a tractable and efficient reinforcement learning algorithm for controlling such a system. We setup parallel Q-learning recursions, with each recursion mapping to individual possible values of the Whittle index. We then update these recursions as we control the system, learning an approximation of the Whittle index as time evolves. Tested on several examples, our control outperforms naive priority allocations and nears the performance of the fully-informed Whittle index policy.



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