EuroGNC 2019 Paper Abstract


Paper WeM3.1

Fumenti, Federico (DLR, Institute of Space Systems, Bremen), Seelbinder, David (DLR, Institute of Space Systems, Bremen), Theil, Stephan (DLR)

Application of Mean-Motion-Based Artificial Potentials for a Cluster Flight Mission Scenario

Scheduled for presentation during the Regular Session "Spacecraft dynamics and control 1" (WeM3), Wednesday, April 3, 2019, 10:30−11:00, BL281.2

5th CEAS Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control, April 3-5, 2019, Milano, Italy

This information is tentative and subject to change. Compiled on April 19, 2024

Keywords Spacecraft orbit guidance, Adaptive control, Multi-vehicle cooperative decision and control


Cluster flight is one of the key technologies that are required to enable the deployment of distributed space systems. Through the concept of cluster flight, a large monolithic structure can be replaced with multiple smaller spacecraft, permitting to overcome physical limitations and improve mission performance. To ensure a safe relative motion between several objects that fly in proximity, the guidance and control algorithm must be designed in order to be scalable, autonomous, and responsive. A technique to meet these requirements by employing the method of the artificial potentials is presented in this paper. For a cluster of spacecraft that are distributed in the along-track direction in a leader-follower manner, the relative distances can be altered by focusing and adjusting the mean motion of the spacecraft. An artificial-potential-based approach can be used to evaluate corrections of the semi-major axes by only reacting on the current configuration, with no need to perform trajectory predictions.



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